26 Mar Let’s Talk about the Weather
One of the most benign topics of conversation is the weather. Weather is also the least threatening type of conversation. You can discuss weather with a complete stranger or even someone with whom you are in a disagreement and there is no offense. While the StormWarriors are staging for severe weather events, we find ourselves in the parking lot of Buc-ee’s and other large convenience stores along the interstates of tornado alley. Between filling up the chase vehicle and searching for healthy snacks, we meet dozens of people who wonder why we are in their area. Weather conversations ensue. Regardless of political views or religious beliefs, we find that most people love their families and want to keep them safe from every storm.
Talking about the weather is important. Knowing the forecasts and understanding the possibilities for severe weather can keep your family from harm. Preparedness is the first, and many times, the most important step to keeping your family safe. Download the StormWarriors Tornado Tips for free by clicking the tab on every page of our website, stormwarriorstv and educate your family on weather awareness and safety.
Tornadoes are not the only type of storm that can affect your family. Conversations about what is happening at school, work, and among friend groups can be more revealing than any weather condition. Become intentional about starting about asking open ended questions when you are with your children to more about what is going on in their lives. If you are new at initiating meaningful conversations, try talking about the weather with this new twist.
What is your favorite kind of weather and why?
Encourage them to expound on their answer to give you a better idea of why they enjoy the kind of day they choose. A sunny day can be an indication of loving the outside and playing with friends, but listen for their explanation of “why” to hear their hearts.
If you could choose the kind of weather day we have tomorrow, what would it be?
Explain that choosing a snow day to cancel school does not count because if you could really choose the weather, school would not be a problem. In addition to listening to them describe how they would choose the weather, watch their expressions for joy, excitement, and expectation.
You will find that talking about the weather in terms of your child’s mood can lead to deeper discussions and, even without them completely knowing, you will discover your child’s attitude toward their life and surroundings.